Tag Archives: Podcast

Deuteronomy 25-28

Deuteronomy 25-28

This is the worst pentatuke I’ve ever read.  I can’t wait to move onto another pentatuke… or just anything else.  This reading was pretty hilarious though.  I’m starting to think maybe Moses made all of this up.

Deuteronomy 20-24

Deuteronomy 20-24

Alright, I’ve recovered from a major website hack and live to tell the story!  And Moses rewards us with maybe the best all around ridiculous bit of bible yet!  Listen to this podcast or you’re letting the cyber terrorists win!

Deuteronomy 7-10

Deuteronomy 7-10

And once again…. more repetition once again, repeatedly repeating himself is the repetitive Moses.  Again and again he repeats himself like he is stuck on a loop of repeating, over and over, not able to stop the repetition.

Deuteronomy 1-3

Deuteronomy 1-3

Apparently not realizing that he had already written about it 2 times in his ETERNAL book, Moses proceeds to summarize everything the Israelites have done…. again…  in his eternal book…. which will be around forever…  he repeated himself again…

Numbers 33-36

Numbers 33-36

Moses is still buying time; God details some very specific and curious plans for the land his people haven’t gotten around to stealing yet; women can marry whoever they want, provided who they want is their cousin.

Numbers 30-32

Numbers 30-32

Moses, being told he’s going to die after his people destroy the Midianites, proceeds to wage the slowest war ever conceived; God makes a killing off of killing; Moses is somehow STILL alive after all this, plus 40 years of wandering, much to our dismay.

Numbers 26-29

Numbers 26-29

Moses is in disbelief.  You work with a guy 40 plus years and he stabs you in the back first chance he gets.  I mean Moses went to god’s Christmas party every single year.  Brought wine.  Never came empty handed.  And now this.  You think you know a guy.