Joshua 10-13

Joshua 10-13

Well it was a full day of murdering for the Israelites so I certainly hope they ate a good breakfast. Sometimes it’s really hard to maintain the level of killing necessary to please Yahweh without your hacking arm getting a little fatigued. Eat bananas.

Joshua 7-9

Joshua 7-9

Another episode of your favorite goofy, mass murdering Israelites! What will they think of next! Hijinks for this episode include luring an entire army out of a city to burn it down from within, and then murder every man woman and child! OMG, pranked!

Joshua 2-6

Joshua 2-6

I now worship at the alter of Joshua.  This book is SUCH a relief so far.  You’ll never even believe what happens….  You’ll never guess….  go ahead, try….  nope, wrong.  SOMETHING.  That’s it.  That’s what happened.  I know!

Deuteronomy 32-Joshua 1

Deuteronomy 32-Joshua 1

This is it…. the episode we’ve all been waiting for…. FINALLY it’s here… if you don’t know what I’m talking about, I envy you because that means you haven’t been plagued by the wretchedness that is what I’m talking about right now at this very moment

Deuteronomy 29-31

Deuteronomy 29-31

Well… someday something is going to happen in this here bible and you’ll feel awfully silly for not reading my descriptions anymore.  Sadly, today is not that day.  Nothing happens.  Moses sucks and won’t die ever.

Deuteronomy 25-28

Deuteronomy 25-28

This is the worst pentatuke I’ve ever read.  I can’t wait to move onto another pentatuke… or just anything else.  This reading was pretty hilarious though.  I’m starting to think maybe Moses made all of this up.

Deuteronomy 20-24

Deuteronomy 20-24

Alright, I’ve recovered from a major website hack and live to tell the story!  And Moses rewards us with maybe the best all around ridiculous bit of bible yet!  Listen to this podcast or you’re letting the cyber terrorists win!

Deuteronomy 7-10

Deuteronomy 7-10

And once again…. more repetition once again, repeatedly repeating himself is the repetitive Moses.  Again and again he repeats himself like he is stuck on a loop of repeating, over and over, not able to stop the repetition.

One man, one year, one book so ridiculous you'll have to hear to believe.